Magical Mole

Flying Mole Pendant

Still Available £695 please phone if you are interested 07759222219 or 01872 554303


This is only the second Mole that I have made. He is inspired by a beautiful drawing by the talented Jackie Morris and I just had to make this playful little character, I just loved her little sketch and thought that it would be a wonderful pendant. So here he is in silver, gold and Mokuma Gane with a large Amber bead hanging from the spiral. His little wings have been hammered and pattered on my Great Grandads mini anvil and his body has been patterned using my metal stamps adding to his detail and depth as well as playfulness. He’s sure to put a smile on your face every time he is worn.

Sold on an 18″ chain

Still Available £695 please phone if you are interested 07759222219 or 01872 554303


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